Belgian week of Pathology

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Belgian Week of Pathology

Ghent, April 18 – 21, 2012


Dear Colleagues,

The first two editions of the Belgian Week of Pathology (BWP) were a huge success. The previous version in 2010 was heavily disturbed by a volcano but even under these difficult circumstances, the level of the meeting and number of participants was very good and of international standards.

To organise the third meeting is therefore a big challenge, especially after two great meetings with two eminent and distinguished presidents!

After the success of the previous meetings and starting a real tradition, we have decided to program a third edition of the BWP on 18-21 april 2012. To keep up with the emerging tradition and because of the quality and splendour, the third BWP will again be hosted in ‘t Pand in Ghent.

The scientific committee is working on a magnificent programme to cover both the state of the art in scientific knowledge and to address other challenges which will influence our profession in the next years. We will try to reach further integration among the participating societies, creating a program that will appeal to a large audience.

We are counting on the renewed support of our partners from industry who made some interesting suggestions that we are going to work on together.

On behalf of the board, we are delighted to invite you to visit our new website ( to find all the practical up-to-date information on this third edition of the BWP.

Lastly, but most importantly, we hope to welcome you in Ghent in April 2012!


John-Paul Bogers, President