Editor’s Choice: Cytopathology 2013;24(1)
We pay tribute to Professor Leopold Koss with two editorials in this issue.
A multinational study from eight countries of technical methods used for immunocytochemistry (ICC) of hormone receptors in breast cancer is selected as Editor’s choice for free access during February and March. The study demonstrates the importance of standardization and quality control of ICC: methods of fixation and antigen retrieval were the key points in the staining process, and cytospins and ThinPrep slides were superior to direct smears. Cell blocks were excluded from the multinational study of ICC, but were used for hormone receptors in two other studies in the same issue.
Editor’s choice
Ž.P. Marinšek, N. Nolde, I. Kardum-Skelin et al. Multinational study of oestrogen and progesterone receptor immunocytochemistry on cytological specimens of breast carcinoma fine needle aspirates. 2013;24(1):7-20.
Related articles in this issue
A. M. Domanski, N. Monsef, H. A. Domanski, D. Grabau, M. Comparison of the oestrogen and progesterone receptor status in primary breast carcinomas, as evaluated by immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry: a consecutive series of 267 patients. 2013;24(1): 21-5.
S. P. Bueno Angelo, R. M. Viero, C. T. Soares. Fine needle aspirate cell blocks are reliable for detection of hormone receptors and HER-2 by immunohistochemistry in breast carcinoma. 2013;24(1): 26-32.