Urgent message

Members_1Dear Colleagues and Friends,

According to the statutes approved by the council (in Lisbon), from now on the national societies are “affiliated members” who pay their annual dues, while the “active (voting) members” are natural persons, two for each country, whose names must be communicated in writing by their national society (societies) to the Secretary General and accepted by the EFCS board of Directors.

Countries with two recognized societies have a right to one active member each; in a country with more than two recognized societies, the boards of these societies must decide in common agreement on the names of the two members who are to represent them in the General Meeting of the EFCS.


Only the recognized national active members have full membership, including the right to be present and to vote at the Annual General Meeting.  Active members who are unable to assist at the general meeting can give proxy to another active member. Proxies are limited to one proxy per person.

Moreover each society can decide at any moment to replace its members, in which case the Board of Directors must be informed of the name(s) of the replacing active member(s) at least six weeks before the general meeting (art 5 & 6 of the statutes).

In order for the general Meeting to deliberate legitimately, at least half of the active members must be present or represented (art 30 of the statutes).
As it is clear that only national “active members” and persons given proxy by active members can be admitted to the Annual General Meeting, and that we need a quorum of at least 50%, those national organizations that until now have forgotten to nominate their national “active members” are invited to send names, addresses and e-mail addresses urgently to the Secretary General who will confirm them on behalf of the Board of Directors.

Looking forward to receiving these informations ASAP.

My best,

Philippe VIELH
EFCS Secretary General