12th annual EFCS Tutorial
New date: from 10 to 11 June 2021
Venue: Digital
Due to the persistent coronavirus spread, the 12th annual EFCS Tutorial which was scheduled June 7th-11th 2021 in Trieste has been cancelled. We are committed to resume the classic EFCS Tutorials as soon as possible. In the meantime, however, we wish to offer to all the people who have shown such a high interest for cytology an interactive event, which will be held digitally June 10th-11th 2021. All the main microscopy sessions foreseen in the original program will be included. Participants will have the opportunity to study in advance a selection of virtual slides. During the live session, the Tutor will provide a short lecture and discuss the most exemplary slides.
This is a great opportunity for cytologists to participate, in spite of the pandemic, to an event with high practical value.
EFCS Tutorial Chair: Giovanni Negri
EFCS Tutorial Co-Chair: Arrigo Capitanio
The registration fee is 100 €. It includes online access to the virtual slides, attendance to the virtual sessions and documentation.
has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®)
for a maximum of 11 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).
Registrations for 12 Annual EFCS Tutorial – digital edition are closed.
QUATE examinations 2021
Given the cancellation of the Trieste tutorial we cannot offer a QUATE examination in June 2021. We are looking at options for the rest of the year, and will keep you informed via the EFCS website of developments. We apologise that we cannot give a definite date for the next QUATE examination, but we are hopeful of offering an examination in some format during 2021. Any enquiries can be sent to Dr Paul Cross (paul.cross1@nhs.net) or Mr Allan Wilson (allan.wilson@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk).