BAC Tutorial in London, 11 July 2014

The British Association for Cytopathology (BAC)



Hodgkin building (King’s College London), Guy’s hospital, London


0900-0945 Registration and coffee. General classroom, Hodgkin building

0945- 0950 Welcome. Harris lecture theatre, Hodgkin building

0950 – 1020 Cytology and the investigation of Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (CUP). Anna Green, London

Symposium: FNA abdominal organs

1020 – 1100 EUS FNA pancreas. Darshana Jhala, Philadelphia

1100- 1200 FNA liver, kidney and adrenal gland. Nirag Jhala, Philadelphia

1200- 1300 Sandwich lunch. General classroom

1300 – 1630 Workshops. General classroom

1300 – 1430 Workshop 1. Urinary tract cytology. D Jhala

1300 – 1430 Workshop 2 . FNA liver, kidney and adrenal gland. N Jhala

1430-1500 Coffee break

1500- 1630 Workshop 3. FNA pancreas. D Jhala

1500 – 1630 Workshop 4. Serous effusions. Mufaddal Moonim, London

 Registration form

(info Chandra Ashish)