21st European Aptitude Test (EFCS-QUATE) for Cytoscreeners in Cervico-Vaginal Cytology
TORINO (Italy), November 29th 2014
Prof. Roberto NAVONE, former Director of the U.O.A.D.U of Anatomic Pathology 1, of the ASO S. Giovanni Battista, Torino, Italy, and Prof Francesco Feoli, Consultant Pathologist at Institut Jules Bordet, Bruxelles, Saturday 29th Novembre 2014, will be holding the 21st Italian Edition of EFCS-QUATE Aptitude Test for Cytoscreeners in Cervico-Vaginal Cytology.
As in the past, (in Padova, Roma, Alghero, Napoli, Genova, Messina, Bari, Atri, Trieste, Torino, Roma (1993-2013), the tests shall be held in collaboration with:
- the EFCS (European Federation of Cytology Societies) and the QUATE (Committee on Quality Assurance, Training and Education, formerly named ECTPCCS-European Community Training Project for Cervical Cancer Screening) (Dr. Peter A. Smith, former Consultant Cytopathologist and Clinical Director of the Department of Pathology, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, UK; and Nick Dudding, East Pennine Cytology Training School, Leeds, U.K.).
- the SIAPEC – IAP (Italian Society of Pathology and Diagnostic Cytopathology and Italian Division of the International Academy of Pathology)
- the University of Torino and the “Centro di PrevenzioneOncologica” (CPO) from the Piedmont Region (Prof. R. Navone)
- the teaching staff of the Master “Diagnostic Cytopathology of Population Screenings” of the University of Torino (R. Navone, F. Feoli, M.T. Benenti)
The European Aptitude Tests are part of an official European collaboration for the free exchange of cytologists for the prevention of cervico-carcinoma throughout the EU and are recommended as Quality Control by the Guidelines set up by the Italian Ministry of Health (“AccordotrailMinistrodellaSanità e le Regioni e Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano sullelinee-guidaconcernenti la prevenzione, la diagnostica e l’assistenza in oncologia”.Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 102, 2 maggio 2001).
• Participation in the Aptitude Test is aimed at the awarding of a European Certificate in Screening in Cervical Cytology and is reserved to a limited number of health-care workers involved in screening programmes for cervico-carcinoma and/or persons with experience in cervico-vaginal cytology.
• Successful participants will be awarded an official certificate by EFCS-QUATE.
The QUATE Aptitude test will be held in Torino, Hotel Diplomatic, Via Cernaia 42, on Saturday 29th November, 2014 ,in the conference room, from 9 am to 2.00 pm.
The exam is only available with conventional Papanicoloau slides (for a total of 20 places) will be used.
Requests for participation are to be sent by email, no later than 30th September 2014, to roberto.navone@unito.it, and barbarawade@hotmail.com
Payment: payment is to be made, only once the request for participation has been accepted in writing, by bank draft, made out to
NAVONE Roberto,
CorsoFrancia 333/8, 10146 Torino (Italy)
IBAN code: IT 63 D030 6909 2191 0000 0063 781,
IntesaSanpaolo Bank, Ag. 18, Torino.
The entry fee is € 180,00.
Scientific Committee:
Prof. Roberto Navone, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche ed Oncologia Umana dell’Università di Torino, via Santena 7, 10126 Torino, e-mail: roberto.navone@unito.it ;
Prof. FrancescoFeoli,Institut Jules Bordet, Bruxelles, e-mail: ffeoli@vub.ac.be
Organizing Secretary: Ms. Barbara Wade, e-mail: barbarawade@hotmail.com