Letter from the Treasurer


Dear Colleagues,

On 1st December 2011 I decided to put my name forward for election as Secretary General of the EFCS and informed the EFCS board members at the meeting that took place in Paris last year. At the same time I announced my retirement as Treasurer of the EFCS to take effect from the next European Congress of Cytology, which will take place in Cavtat.

I hope that you have appreciated my work as Treasurer in the past and that you will support my nomination as Secretary General. Furthermore I would like to invite interested colleagues to replace me as Treasurer of the EFCS.

I am looking forward to meeting you all in Cavtat.

M. Tötsch

Treasurer of the EFCS

Institute of Cytology
Auenbruggerplatz 20/1
A-8036 Graz

Tel. +43 316 385 12567
Fax +43 316 385 13786
E-mail:  martin.toetsch@klinikum-graz.at